Previous efforts Key reference 1 Wendi B. Heinzelman, Member, IEEE, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Hari Balakrishnan, Member, IEEE An Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Micro sensor Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 1, NO. 4, OCTOBER Focus is to enhance Heinzelman, Wendi, "Application-Specific Protocol Architectures for Wireless Networks," Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June [ pdf ] Amirtharajah, Rajeevan, "Design of Low Power VLSI Systems Powered by Ambient Mechanical Vibration," Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May Three-Dimensional Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks Mostafa Baghouri1, Abderrahmane Hajraoui2, Saad Chakkor3 Department of Physics, Communication and detection systems laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tetouan, Morocco
IJCA - Super Cluster based Modified LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
SpringerPlus volume 5Article number: Cite this article. Metrics details. Wireless sensor networks WSNs are a promising area for both researchers and industry because of their various applications The sensor node expends the majority of its energy on communication with other nodes. Therefore, the routing protocol plays an important role in delivering network data while minimizing energy consumption as much as possible.
The chain-based routing approach is superior to other approaches. However, chain-based routing protocols still expend substantial energy in the Chain Head CH node. In addition, these protocols also have the bottleneck issues. A novel routing protocol which is Deterministic Chain-Based Routing Protocol DCBRP. DCBRP consists of three mechanisms: Backbone Construction Mechanism, Chain Head Selection CHSand the Next Hop Connection Mechanism. The CHS mechanism is presented in detail, and it is evaluated through comparison with the CCM and TSCP using an ns-3 simulator.
It show that DCBRP outperforms both CCM and TSCP in terms of end-to-end delay by DCBRP can be used in any deterministic node deployment applications, such as smart cities or smart agriculture, to reduce energy depletion and prolong the lifetimes of WSNs.
A WSN refers to a large number of sensor nodes that are connected to one another. WSNs are widely applied in various areas, such as the military, industries, environment, disaster management, and habitat monitoring Sikander All sensor nodes have limitations, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, for example, in bandwidth, computational ability, power resources, and memory Gautam et al.
These nodes have the ability to application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis with one another wirelessly with one or more unlimited-energy resource nodes, called Base Stations BSswhich may be connected to the Internet. A sensor node consists of four elements: the first sensor collects specific data from the environment; the second is the radio module, which is responsible for sending and receiving data via a wireless medium; the third is the micro controller for processing purposes; and the fourth is the power supply, which provides the necessary power to all sensor-node components in the device Hadjila et al.
Typically, the main power source is the battery. However, due to its deployment strategies, recharging is an impossible task.
Therefore, WSN nodes have a certain level of algorithmic intelligence to collect data and send them to the BS due to energy considerations Wei et al. Sending the network packets is a critical challenge that directly affects the performance of sensor nodes. The main purpose of developing a new routing protocol in WSNs is to reduce the energy consumption and extend the network lifetime of the sensor nodes. The performance of a WSN can also be affected by other factors, such as bandwidth, scalability, data aggregation, energy consumption, mobility, multipath, redundancy, end-to-end delay, packet loss, network load, and localization Shukla et al.
Cluster-based, chain-based, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, and tree-based protocols are the basic classifications of the hierarchical routing protocols Zhang et al, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis.
While under cluster-based protocols, some nodes are selected to be the cluster heads, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, and other nodes are connected to the closest cluster heads as normal nodes. A good example of this is the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy LEACHalong with its family of protocols Heinzelman et al. In the LEACH protocol, the normal nodes sense the environment and send the data to their cluster heads using a single-hop method.
Subsequently, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, the cluster heads will also deliver the network data to the BS in a single-hop manner. Therefore, energy consumption can be considered a significant problem in this approach because in most cases, the single hop will involve long-distance communication.
The principal concept in Tree-based routing is data transmission only from children sensor nodes to their parent Liang et al. An example of a Tree-based routing protocol is the DRINA routing protocol Villas et al, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis. However, the main issue with DRINA is that it suffers from high energy consumption in nodes over the network lifetime.
The Chain-based approach is more promising than the other approaches with respect to connection behaviour in power conservation Mamun et al. Within the Chain-based approach, every node is connected with its neighbours to reduce the consumption of energy caused by long-distance communication among nodes. Nevertheless, like many other approaches, the Chain-based approach is not perfect.
Chain-based routing protocols still have drawbacks, especially in the single long chain Marhoon et al, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis. This paper presents the critical issues in WSN routing protocols and specifically intends to find the most appropriate chain head, and determine the optimal number of chain heads in a network.
The chain head selection is a high-priority phase in most WSN routing protocols. It is an essential step in the chain-based application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, as all protocols have a similar mechanism application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis some respects. Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis normal sensor node transmits its own data to the nearest node in the same chain and therefore expends little energy application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis to the chain head.
It is important to realize that the chain head is responsible for transferring all data related to the chain or network to the BS.
Therefore, it requires substantial energy to ensure that all data are transferred without any packet loss. Furthermore, the method used to select the proper node to be the chain head is important for prolonging the network lifetime and keeping all sensor nodes connected. The number of chain heads can directly affect the performance of a protocol by dividing the responsibility of data delivery to the BS and dividing the required energy over a number of chain heads.
This is not only for the purpose of reducing energy consumption but also for reducing delays that are caused by the single network gateway. Chain Routing Based on Coordinates-oriented Cluster CRBCCproposed in Gengsheng et al. In addition, the CRBCC protocol selects the main head randomly, which is considered the main drawback of this protocol. The Balanced Chain-Based Routing Protocol BCBRP Ahn et al. The Energy-Efficient Chain-Based Routing Protocol EECB Yu and Song is an improved version of the PEGASIS protocol.
It uses Eq. where Q i is the comparative factor, E res is the residual energy of the nodes, and d i is the distance between the nodes and the BS. Furthermore, the Rotation PEGASIS-Based Routing Protocol RPB Yang et al, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis. These parameters include the distance and energy, and can be used to manipulate the important factor based on the requirements.
where W 1 and W 2 are the weight parameters. The Energy-Efficient Cluster-Chain Based Routing Protocol ECCP Sheikhpour and Jabbehdari determines the weights according to the number of node neighbours, and selects the node that has maximum Wi according to Eq. In addition, the Improved Energy-Efficient PEGASIS-Based IEEPB routing protocol, proposed in Feng et al. Based on the discussion in the literature on how to select the chain heads in the Chain-based routing protocols, there are many ways to assign this role to the correct node.
For example, the PEGASIS protocol is used at random to select the chain head to ensure that the first dead node is located at a random position in the sensing area. Moreover, the rotating selection of the same node after i rounds for N nodes is achieved by applying Eq, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis. CCM Tang et al. where E remaining refers to the remaining energy in the sensing node and S factor is the selection factor for choosing the main head.
In contrast, the most appropriate method for chain head selection as in some other routing protocols is dependent on the residual energy divided by the distance from the BS, because of the consideration of node specifications rather than randomization. However, it does not consider the data delivery ability of the nodes. Consequently, the CHS mechanism uses a proactive selection mechanism to manage the relevant residual energy and the ability of the node for data delivery.
The Chain-Cluster Mixed-Routing protocol CCM attempts to combine the strong points of the cluster and chain approaches through the following actions:.
Connecting all nodes in the same row as a chain: This means that the CCM has ten horizontal chains for a network with ten rows. This is beneficial, as it will help to reduce the power consumption. Choosing the chains heads using the Sequence Method, which ignores node ability.
It chooses the main head according to only the remaining energy; and. Depending on the distance factor, application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, it chooses the next hop connections over the entire network lifetime, while using a cluster approach to choose the next hop connections between the chains heads and the main head to reduce delay.
The Two-Stage Chain-Based routing protocol TSCP applies the chain approach completely for both intra- and inter-connections to take advantage of the chain concept to reduce the energy consumption. Therefore, it makes improvements in chain head connections and uses the following operations to route the sensing data:.
Connecting all nodes in the same row as a chain, which is the same method used in the CCM protocol. Choosing the chains heads using the sequence method in the early rounds, and then when the nodes deplete most of the energy, these chains heads will be selected according application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis only the remaining energy; and.
The next hop connections are chosen based on only the distance factors in the earlier rounds; then it will ignore all other factors to make connections between chain heads.
TSCP takes full advantage of the chain concept, but there is a trade-off with the delay metrics. It will force many packets to pass to the main head through unnecessary nodes, which will result in unnecessary energy consumption. Furthermore, chain heads are connected to each other in chain form to reduce the power consumption; however, this will increase the hop counts for all packets that travel from the source to the destination.
The energy required to transmit one bit is equal to the energy required to execute processes Eslaminejad and Razak The communication part is then considered the main source of energy consumption in the sensor node.
Choice of routing protocol is one of the most important issues directly influencing the performance of the WSN in the communication part. The main goal of routing protocols in WSNs is to deliver the sensing data to the BS with minimum power consumption and maximum lifetime. The chain-based routing protocol performs this task with minimum power consumption and prolongs the network lifetime Mamun ; Kareem et al. Furthermore, the chain-based approach confidently reduces communication energy consumption using low radio power in order to connect each node to its closest neighbour Liang et al.
However, this chain application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis subject to failure in the chain head when all network data are sent to the single leader node. This node is responsible for delivering all network data to the BS Liu The main node expends its energy rapidly, and its consumption is too high compared to other nodes.
Therefore, the main node needs to be selected efficiently because a single leader can also cause bottleneck issues in the network Sikander ; Rahman et al. In this research, the steps are applied systematically from the first stage until the research findings are obtained.
Reliable resources are very important to elicit and attain a high degree of confidence in the output. Therefore, the first step is to address powerful search engines, such as Web of Science WoSSCOPUS and Google Scholar.
In addition, trustworthy databases, such as Science Direct, IEEEXplore, SpringerLink, and the ACM digital library offer a comprehensive literature review related to WSN routing protocols. The next step is to identify the problem statement, which focuses on how to select the most efficient and reliable chain head for data delivery.
Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis, the proposed mechanism is designed, implemented, verified, validated, and evaluated using some of the most popular WSN metrics, such as energy consumption and network lifetime. Figure 1 illustrates the logical sequence of the steps used in this research. Moreover, CHS mechanism design stars from the mathematical model to calculate the CHS factor which is used for nodes selection.
While the Eclipse environment will be helpful for verification part, furthermore mathematical model will validate by take the real data from the simulation to confirm that CHS Equation was implementation correctly. The evaluation part is very important to ensure that Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis can overcome the application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks+thesis protocols in terms of the most important WSN metrics.
The main purpose of this research is to establish an energy-efficient routing protocol for WSNs to prolong network lifetime and reduce power consumption.
IEEE 802 11 Network Architecture - Wireless LAN - Wireless Networks
, time: 21:58Journal of Web Systems and Applications

Nov 29, · Heinzelman WB () Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks. Cornell University, PhD Thesis, New York. Heinzelman WR, Chandrakasan A, Balakrishnan H () Energy-efficient communication Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, Orlando, , Thesis: [8] Heinzelman, W. () Application-Specific Protocol Architectures for Wireless Networks CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): In recent years, advances in energy-e cient design and wireless technologies have enabled exciting new applications for wireless devices. These applications span a wide range, including real-time and streaming video and audio delivery, remote monitoring using networked microsensors,
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