blogger.com is a platform for academics to share research papers The Department of Political Science offers Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs that are structured around five substantive fields: Canadian politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory, and U.S. Politics. We offer in the range of 25 graduate seminar courses per year and ample support for mentoring grad students in their blogger.com allows expert authors in hundreds of niche fields to get massive levels of exposure in exchange for the submission of their quality original articles
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IIT Kanpur's faculty are among the best in the world in their areas of interest. They impart an education for exceptional careers in engineering and related fields. The faculty have made significant research contributions to pure science, engineering, humanities and management fields while empowering the next generation of students with a world-class education.
Ghosh akg[AT]iitk. Design of Unmanned Air Vehicle. Abhijit Kushari akushari[AT]iitk. Abhishek abhish[AT]iitk. in PhD University of Maryland Phone: O Research Interests: Rotary Wing Aeromechanics, Hover Capable Micro Air Vehicles, Multi-body Dynamics, Inverse Flight Dynamics Simulation for Helicopters, Helicopter Design, Arjun chowdhury dissertation Turbines.
Ajay Vikram Singh ajayvs[AT]iitk. in PhD University of Maryland College Park Phone: O Research Interests: Combustion and Reacting Flows, Combustion Generated Functional Nanoparticles, Soot Formation and Oxidation, Detonations, Boundary Layer Combustion, Gas Turbine Combustion, Fire Dynamics, Flame Spread, Material Flammability, Renewable Energy Conversion. Alakesh Chandra Mandal alakeshm[AT]iitk.
in PhD IISc Bangalore Phone: O Research Interests: Experimental aerodynamics, Flow instability and transition, Turbulent shear flows. Arnab Samanta asamanta[AT]iitk, arjun chowdhury dissertation. Arun Kumar Perumal akp[AT]iitk. Ashish Tewari ashtew[AT]iitk.
Ashoke De ashoke[AT]iitk. Upadhyay shekhar[AT]iitk. Mishra mishra[AT]iitk. Debopam Das das[AT]iitk. Ethirajan Rathakrishnan erath[AT]iitk.
Kamath gmkamath[AT]iitk. in PhD University of Maryland, College Park Phone: Research Interests: Structural Health Monitoring, Composite Materials and Structures, Structural Dynamics, Condition Monitoring, Machine Learning, Aeroelasticity. Kamal Poddar kamal[AT]iitk. Mangal Kothari mangal[AT]iitk. in PhD University of Leicester Phone: O Research Interests: Optimal control, Nonlinear and Adaptive control, Flight Vehicle Guidance and Control, Motion Planning, Coordinated control of UAVs, Nonlinear Observer and Estimation.
Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno ibrahim[AT]iitk. in PhD IISc Bangalore Phone: O Research Interests: Experimental Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, High Enthalpy Test Facilities, Shock Waves. Arjun chowdhury dissertation navrose[AT]iitk. Pritam Chakraborty cpritam[AT]iitk. in PhD The Ohio State University, Columbus Phone: Research Interests: 1. Meso-scale modeling of short fatigue crack growth, plasticity, damage and creep in metals.
Multi-scale method development to bridge between polycrystalline and engineering scales connect microstructure to property. Coupled deformation and phase transformation, arjun chowdhury dissertation. Mohite mohite[AT]iitk. in PhD IIT Kanpur Phone: O Research Interests: Damage and micromechanics of fibrous composites, laminate modeling, adaptive finite element analysis, fibres and composite characterization, arjun chowdhury dissertation.
Raghavendra P Kukillaya raghavpk[AT]iitk. in PhD Princeton University, New Jersey, USA Phone: O Research Interests: Dynamics and control, Systems modeling, arjun chowdhury dissertation, simulation and design, Mathematical modeling and dynamical analysis of aircraft and mechanical systems, Aircraft and Airship dynamics and control, Dynamics and control aspects of insect running, Optimization and optimal control.
Rajesh Arjun chowdhury dissertation kitey[AT]iitk. in PhD Auburn University, Auburn AL, USA Phone: O Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Stress Analysis, arjun chowdhury dissertation, Optical Metrology, Mechanics of Thin Films, Composite Materials, Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods.
Rakesh Kumar rkm[AT]iitk. Rajesh Ranjan rajeshr[AT]iitk. Kamle kamle[AT]iitk. Sanjay Kumar [AT]iitk. in PhD Phone: O Research Interests:. Sanjay Mittal smittal[AT]iitk. Sathesh Mariappan sathesh[AT]iitk. in PhD IIT Madras Phone: O Research Interests: Fundamentals of Thermo acoustic interactions, Application of dynamical systems' theory to thermo fluid systems, Mechanism of dynamic stall in rotorcrafts,Optical flow diagnostics, Acoustic measurements.
Subrahmanyam Saderla saderlas[AT]iitk. using Artificial Neural Networks. Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay tanmoy[AT]iitk. in PhD Swansea University, arjun chowdhury dissertation, UK Phone: Research Interests: Mechanical metamaterials, Advanced composites, Deployable materials and structures, 2D materials and heterostructures, Multi-scale mechanics nano to macroArjun chowdhury dissertation analysis, Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis, Surrogate modelling, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Additive manufacturing.
Tapan K. Sengupta tksen[AT]iitk. Vaibhav Arghode varghode[AT]iitk, arjun chowdhury dissertation. in PhD University of Leicester Phone: O Research Interests: Combustion, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay abandopa[AT]iitk. in PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva Arjun chowdhury dissertation Phone: O Research Interests: Developmental Biology of cartilage and Bone, Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis The overall objective of my laboratory is to uncover the molecular genetic circuit arjun chowdhury dissertation for skeletal morphogenesis.
While many of the signaling molecules and transcription factors that regulate these processes are known what remain unknown arjun chowdhury dissertation the downstream targets of these upstream components. In our laboratory we are trying to uncover such downstream effector genes and integrate those in a gene interaction network governing aspects arjun chowdhury dissertation skeletal differentiation.
Arun K. Shukla arshukla[AT]iitk. Ashok Kumar ashokkum[AT]iitk. in PhD IIT Roorkee Phone: O Research Interests: Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Stem cell research, Bioprocess engineering and Environmental biotechnologyBiomaterials, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Stem cell research, Bioprocess engineering and Environmental biotechnology. Our research focuses in developing cryogel biomaterials and smart polymers for application in cartilage, bone, skin and neural tissue engineering and drug delivery.
Further we focus in applying the concept of cryogel bioreactor system for therapeutic protein production and for extracorporeal bioartificial lever support system. We focus in affinity based monolithic cryogel systems for type specific cell separation and stem cell separation.
Incorporating smart polymeric materials, we try to establish intelligent drug delivery systems and develop animal models for rheumatoid arthritis. The cryogel matrices have also shown promise as filters for water and air purification. Ashwani Kumar Thakur akthakur[AT]iitk. in PhD I. We are currently looking polyglutamine aggregation in Huntington's disease, chronic inflammation induced systemic amyloidosis, phenylalanine aggregation in Phenylketonuria. In parallel, we are developing nanoparticle based technologies to deliver therapeutic lead molecules to brain.
Bushra Ateeq bushra[AT]iitk. in PhD Aligarh Muslim University Phone: O Research Interests: Molecular Oncology and therapeutics, Cancer Biomarkers.
My primary research focus is to understand the complex molecular events involved in prostate and breast cancer progression, identify early diagnostic markers and valuable therapeutic targets. My research group is investigating the underlying mechanism for the increased SPINK1 expression in a subset arjun chowdhury dissertation aggressive prostate cancer and its role in cancer metastases. We are also arjun chowdhury dissertation the role of microRNAs in mutually exclusive expression of SPINK1 and ETS genetic rearrangements in prostate cancer patients.
Dhirendra S. Katti dsk[AT]iitk. in PhD University Of Mumbai Phone: O Research Interests: Iomaterials, controlled drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, and nanobiotechnology. Jayandharan Giridhara Rao jayrao[AT]iitk. in PhD Christian Medical College, Vellore Phone: O Research Interests:.
Jonaki Sen jonaki[AT]iitk. in PhD A. College of Medicine, New York Phone: O Research Interests: Vertebrate neuronal development Our goal is to understand the molecular mechanism of how neurons are generated, undergo migration, differentiate and make connections with their appropriate targets.
We aim to identify the molecules that regulate these processes in the visual system, the cortex and the hippocampus, using the developing chick and mouse as model systems. Mainak Das mainakd[AT]iitk. in PhD University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA Phone: O Research Interests: Bio-electricity, Green Energy, Physiology, Sensor. Nitin Gupta guptan[AT]iitk. in PhD University of California San Diego Phone: O Research Interests: The remarkable capabilities organized by the brain from seeing to singing, from remembering to running - originate in the electrical activities of neurons.
Neurons interact with each other forming circuits, which process sensory information and drive appropriate behaviors. We are interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms used by neural circuits for processing information. Our initial focus is on circuits in deeper layers of the olfactory system sense of smell. We use a variety of insects as model systems, including grasshoppers, flies and mosquitoes, and a variety of techniques, including arjun chowdhury dissertation vivo electrophysiology, histology, behavioral observations, genetic manipulations, and computational modeling, arjun chowdhury dissertation.
Pradip Sinha pradips[AT]iitk. in PhD Banaras Hindu University Phone: O Research Interests: Goals of my researches are to identify fundamental genetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis in the fruit fly, Drosophila. Our eventual aims are also to extend these insights to explain developmental genetic basis of carcinogenesis in higher organisms including human and exploit the sophisticated genetics of Drosophila to screen for anti-cancer drug.
Sankararamakrishnan rsankar[AT]iitk. in PhD IISc Bangalore Phone: O Research Interests: We are mainly interested in understanding the mechanism of membrane protein function using computational approaches.
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