Career planning is a lifelong process which includes getting a job, working on our skills, finding out our expectations from life and even retiring. There might always be possible changes in life because our long-term and short-term plans may not match The Essays (French: Essais, pronounced) of Michel de Montaigne are contained in three books and chapters of varying length. They were originally written in Middle French and were originally published in the Kingdom of blogger.comgne's stated design in writing, publishing and revising the Essays over the period from approximately to was to record "some Essays Essay on Career for Students and Children. + Words Essay on Career. Career is a very important thing in one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to follow, it will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in a society in addition to your lifestyle. In other words, your career will determine your social circle
Career Research Paper, Examples of Essays on Career Path Choice, Introductions, Topics GradesFixer
Some people think one should stay all their life in the same job, whereas others advocate changing jobs from time to time, career essays. Click here to post comments, career essays. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. Simply click here to return to IELTS Essay Feedback Forum. Some people think that a person should change a career at least once, while others think that it is better to stay in one job for a lifetime.
What is your opinion? In the modern days, it is quite a common fact that people change their job frequently. Because of the rise of employment opportunities in private sector companies, there is huge demand for the professionals.
It is argued that majority of the employees move to other jobs due to various factors which enforces them to do so. The discussable points are firstly to achieve their personal and professional career essays as well as to break their routine work culture in official activities, employees prefer to change their jobs. Employees dream about their career to be increased form strength to strength.
Hence in the need of fulfilling their goal, undergo the process of learning new skills and techniques for betterment of future. Considering an example, one of my friend had changed his job in couple of years as he was not able to achieve his professional dreams and desired work culture.
The employees are also not hesitating to change the job if there are offered higher designation with hike in salary.
After analyzing, professional growth is one of the reason for job change. On the other hand, employees prefer to change their job, In order to break the monotony nature in the work atmosphere. For example, if the a typist in a company is bored with his daily routine work. Therefore, this boringness nature and monotony of the work will lead to search of a new job for the uplift of the career and as well the increase of financial status.
Hence after analyzing the regularity and unexcitement in their career essays life is the cause for the job change. Thus, career essays, in the future, career essays, it can be expected that this percentage of employment change will be likely to increase. Please provide feedback on this Work and Career Essay. Click here to add your own comments. Some argue career essays people are not suitable for important positions in the government, career essays, while others think this is a good idea.
Discuss both views and give your opinion, career essays. Important government positions in most of the countries are taken up by experienced people. Some believe that young people are more suitable for these jobs, others however, career essays, are not in favor of assigning positions to young crowd. It is agreed that the new generation will career essays better in such positions, provided they implement the latest concepts and techniques.
This essay will discuss both the views before giving a reasoned conclusion. The principal reason why young people are not considered for important jobs in administration is because they lack experience. In other words, an experienced individual will use his past knowledge and expertise to resolve the career essays issues. For example, in Indian parliament a question was raised whether to remove import duty, most of the young officers were in support of the bill, and later it was found that it was a bad decision.
This clearly explains the importance of experience and the need to refrain young crowd from taking critical decisions. On the other hand, it can argued that younger generation is more broad minded. This attitude will help the government take decisions based on latest trends and concepts. Although they lack the necessary experience, they will take care by referring to past case studies.
Another point is that young generation will be more active and healthier than their older counterpart, career essays. Obviously, this will help them in carrying out their task easily, career essays. In conclusion, the career essays generation is more broadminded and is well versed with the current trends and technology; this career essays help them in outperforming their older counterpart, career essays.
Personally, I agree with the fact that younger generations are more capable in performing vital administrative jobs. Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots.
Please check my answer and feel free to comment. There is no doubt that smart robots are substituting humans in many fields. Although many jobs can be overtaken by robots with human-like intelligence, it is unlikely that occupations that require human interactions can be carried out by smart machines, career essays.
In my opinion, Robots will inevitably be in charge of all the jobs that do not need a special set of skills or deep understanding of career essays relations. This is due to the fact that robots can be programmed in a way that eliminates or minimizes errors or mistakes that humans usually commit, career essays, which certainly leads to a greater productivity. For example, in many construction companies, workers who specialize in laying interlock tiles are being replaced by robotic machines.
This does not only increase the accuracy of the work, but it also reduces the occurrence of harmful incidents that accompany such type of activities, career essays.
Nevertheless, and despite the advancement of technology and science, career essays, there are still occupations that robots will not career essays able to perform.
This is because certain jobs demand career essays extensive understanding of human behavior in addition to career essays technical training and knowledge. For instance, in order to diagnose and treat mental or psychological disorders, professionally trained psychiatrists are needed to interact with the patients directly, career essays.
For these reasons, it is undoubtedly clear that not all professions career essays be run by artificial intelligence. However, it is in my firm belief that there career essays multiple jobs that require essential human contact that intelligent robots cannot provide. Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly.
Others value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. In the professional field, one can argue that people work better when they look their best. However, others believe that appearance has zero correlation to work, and prefers highlighting their quality of work.
This essay will discuss both views, career essays, particularly how certain jobs are required to look smart while some jobs do not. In many careers, appearance is key in giving the best result. This includes sales and even a real estate agent, career essays. These certain jobs require them to persuade others to buy their "product" and often need to reflect a good smart appearance to gain success.
For example, professionals in sales and real estate agent are required to wear stylish and smart clothes. Since they are closely connected to customers and clients, they need to look good to gain people's trust.
Can you imagine if you wanted to buy a house from a real estate agent that only wears a t-shirt and some shorts?
The sight might be unappealing for many, creating the impression of "unprofessionalism" or "unknowledgeable". This career essays negatively affect the brand of the company. On the other hand, those working in the creative industry, such as visual artists, graphic designers, and musicians, don't need to wear smart clothes. Since their work tends to prioritize their creative art, people wouldn't seem to mind if they wear casual clothes. They don't need to look professional because their appearance is detached from people's opinions.
For example, a graphic designer will showcase their portfolio, career essays, with just possibly wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans. A new client who meets him or her wouldn't mind, career essays, because their quality of work is reflected in the designs that they make and not their appearance.
In conclusion, I think in certain professions, it is crucial to look their best and to present a smart appearance. All of which is to pitch great sales and bring a good name to the company. However, in certain career fields, looks are not essential. Their designs, music, and other creative arts are prioritized rather than the clothes career essays they wear.
by Hayder Ahmed Leeds, UK, career essays. The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and career essays with their families. How far do you agree with this statement? Day by day, the life is becoming more complex and very difficult and people work for long time in every day. It is agreed that the number of working day in a weak should be reduced to give workers more free time with their families.
Analysing both difficulty and complexity of life nowadays as well as people work hard for long time will show this, career essays. Firstly, today, the life is complex and people spend a long time working very hard without a rest career essays. For instance, people work from the beginning of morning to the end of evening very hard. When they back to their home, they might be tired and stressful. Therefore, career essays, people can not find a free time to talk and discuss with their families and spend enjoyable time with them.
Thus, this makes it clear why people need for more free time every week. Secondly, as people work hardly for a long time during a working day, they might be stress and their health could be not good. For example, when workers do their job, they will be standing all the time and sometime doing hard without a rest time. Thus, their body could be very tired and in a bad condition and this routine continues every day. From this, it becomes quiet evident that why decreasing the number of working day is important for people health.
In summary, people are working very hard for long time, career essays. Therefore, their health condition could be bad and they do not spend more time with their families. Thus, it is clear career essays the idea of increasing the number of working day can not be supported. After analysing this subject, it is predicted that the drawbacks of working a long time without rest more than benefits.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Global is developing more and more in many fields. However, living and working in a foreign country have a lot of cons and pros.
How to write Chevening Essay Career Plan PART 1
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Career planning is a lifelong process which includes getting a job, working on our skills, finding out our expectations from life and even retiring. There might always be possible changes in life because our long-term and short-term plans may not match Career Services. Barnes Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY Phone: +1 () Email: Career management and choice are important aspects of any career. Choosing your career is an important decision. Students are usually asked to write essays on careers because it is an important topic. Sometimes it may be difficult to describe why you picked a career. However, once you look at a sample paper, you will discover that it's not
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