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How to Start Writing Your Common App Essay
, time: 12:13Best College Application Essay Examples for Students

Jan 08, · How do you write a college application essay? 1. Just get going. Staring down a blank page can be the hardest part of writing an essay. So try this exercise to overcome writer’s block: Take 20 minutes to jot down a few quick lists of your proudest accomplishments, worst embarrassments, life-changing moments, strongest memories, favorite people, or any other categories that appeal to you Sep 24, · Knowing how to begin a college essay is daunting. It can be hard to write an engaging, authentic opener. But without an interesting hook, you risk getting lost in a vast sea of applications. To this end, we’ve put together some techniques about how to start a college essay to make your DTDT moment a little smoother and a little less stressful Your college application essay gives you a chance to show admission officers who you really are beyond grades and test scores. Learn about crafting an effective essay
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