Example: t(33) = , p If your exact p value is less than, it is conventional to state merely p results section the alpha level used as a significance criterion for your tests. Example: “We used an alpha level of for all statistical tests.” EXAMPLES · More Tips for Writing a Results Section. Use the past tense. The results section should be written in the past tense. Be concise and objective. You will have the opportunity to give your own interpretations of the results in the discussion section. Use APA format. As you are writing your results section, keep a style guide on blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 1 Normally, Results sections are double-spaced, the pages have 1” margins, and the section begins with the title 'Results'. For brevity, this formatting is not included here and these examples should be viewed as reporting only the inferential statistics (not the hypotheses)
Writing a Results and Discussion
The results section is where you tell the reader the basic descriptive information about the scales you used report the mean and standard deviation for each scale.
If you have more than 3 or 4 variables in your paper, you might want to put this descriptive information in a table to keep the text from being too choppy and bogged down see the APA manual for ideas on creating good tables. In the results section, you also tell the reader what statistics you conducted to test your hypothesis -ses and what the results indicated. In this paper, you conducted bivariate correlation s to test your hypothesis.
Include in Results include the following in this order in your results section :, sample results section apa. Give the descriptive statistics for the relevant variables mean, standard deviation.
Provide a brief rephrasing of your hypothesis es avoid exact restatement. Then tell the reader what statistical test you used to test your hypothesis and what you found. Explain which correlations were in the predicted direction, and which were not if any. Were differences statistically significant i.
Don't merely give the statistics without any explanation. Whenever you make a claim that there is or is not a significant correlation between X and Y, the reader has to be able to verify it by looking at the appropriate test statistic. However, don't try to interpret why sample results section apa got the results you did.
Leave that to the Discussion. Note : Be sure to underline all abbreviations of test statistics e. See pages of the APA manual for more on reporting statistics in text. For each correlation, you need to report the following information either in the text sample results section apa your paper or in a table: correlation coefficient, significance level p value.
Use n. if not significant; or use whichever of the following is most accurate:. You may then sample results section apa interpret such a correlation. If you computed two or more correlations thus involving at least three variables provide a table at the end of the paper ordinarily tables would only be used for even more complex findings, but I'd like you to practice since you have a few correlations to work with.
Create a correlation matrix like the example see Sample results section apa 1. If you include a correlation matrix table, you should, in the text of the result section, refer readers to your table instead of typing out the r and the p value for each correlation. I can show you how if you have trouble. Other word processors should have similar functions. name of variable. name of next var. name of 3 rd var. You need to report the statistics in some way in your result section, but regardless of whether you use a table or type the statistics in the text, you should also interpret the correlation for the reader… say exactly what that means:.
There was a significant correlation between extroversion and life satisfaction. However, life satisfaction was not significantly related to college adjustment. In general, I would suggest writing the words of the results section first, and then going back to insert the numbers and statistical information. Discussion section, sample results section apa. In your discussion section, relate the results back to your initial hypotheses.
Do they support or disconfirm them? Remember: Results do not prove hypotheses right or wrong, sample results section apa, they support them or fail to provide support for them.
I suggest the following information in the following order:, sample results section apa. Provide a very brief summary of the most important parts of the introduction and then the results sections.
In doing so, you should relate the results to the theories you introduced in the Sample results section apa. Your findings are just one piece among many -- resist the tendency to make your results the final story about the phenomenon or theory of interest.
Integrate the results and try to make sense of the pattern of the findings. In the case of a correlational project, be careful to not use causal language to discuss your results — unless you did an experiment you cannot infer causality.
However, it would be impossible to fully discuss the implications of your results without making reference to causality. That is fine. Just don't claim that your results themselves are demonstrating causality. If your findings did not support your hypotheses, speculate why that might be so.
You might reconsider the logic of your hypotheses. Or, reconsider whether the variables are adequately measuring the relationship, sample results section apa. perhaps "disgust" would better capture the relationship. Alternatively, you might also consider whether the relationship you hypothesized might only show up in certain populations of people or under certain conditions e. Where possible, support your speculation with references, sample results section apa.
This includes alternative explanations for the results. For example, you might speculate about an unexamined third variable that was not present in you study. However, BE SPECIFIC and back up any assertions you make. For example, if you claim that 3 rd variables might affect your correlations, sample results section apa, tell me what they are and how they would affect your correlations.
Speculate about future directions that research could take to further investigate your question. Future directions may also include interesting next steps in the research. What do they imply about human nature or some aspect of it? Don't wildly speculate, sample results section apa, however! Leave the reader feeling like this is an important topic you will likely refer back to your opening paragraph of the introduction here and have partial answers or more specific responses to the questions you sample results section apa. Title page - Try to write a title that maximally informs the reader about the topic, without being ridiculously long.
Use titles of articles you've read as examples of form. Also provide the RUNNING HEAD and an abbreviated title that appears in the header of each page along with the page number. Provide your name and institutional affiliation Hanover College. See APA Manual and sample paper. Abstract - Write the abstract LAST. An abstract is a super-short summary and is difficult to write. Info on abstracts from APA manual:.
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of an article, allowing readers to survey the contents quickly. accurate : Ensure that your abstract correctly reflects the purpose and content of your paper. Do not include information that does not appear in the body of the paper. self-contained : Define all abbreviations and acronyms. Define unique terms. Paraphrase rather than quote. concise and specific : Make each sentence maximally informative, especially the lead sentence.
Begin the abstract with the most important information your questionbut do not repeat the title. Be as brief as possible. non-evaluative : Report rather than evaluate: do not add to or comment on what is in the body of the manuscript. coherent and readable : Write in clear and vigorous prose.
Use the third person rather than the first person. In less than words your abstract should describe:, sample results section apa. the problem under investigation an "introduction" type sentence. the specific variables investigated and the method of doing so a "method" type sentence. the results of the study in brief no numbers, just words. a hint about the general direction the discussion section takes. References : Use APA style.
See your APA manual, sample results section apa and the sample paper for examples of how to cite and how to make a reference list.
Make sure that all references mentioned in the text are also mentioned in the reference list and vice versa. Tables go at the very end of your paper. Make sure you refer to the table or figure in the text of your paper.
Results Section The results section is where you tell the reader the basic descriptive information about the scales you used report the mean and standard deviation for each scale. Include in Results include the following in this order in your results section : Give the descriptive statistics for the relevant variables mean, standard deviation, sample results section apa.
Some specifics: For each correlation, you need to report the following information either in the text of your paper or in a table: correlation coefficient, significance level p value. Note: Use n. Variable 1 2 3 1. name of variable
How to write the Results part 1
, time: 9:26Reporting Research Results in APA Style | Tips & Examples
· How to write an APA results section. Published on December 21, by Pritha Bhandari. Revised on April 1, The results section of a quantitative research paper is where you summarize your data and report the findings of any relevant statistical analyses.. The APA manual provides rigorous guidelines for what to report in quantitative research papers in the Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins 1 Normally, Results sections are double-spaced, the pages have 1” margins, and the section begins with the title 'Results'. For brevity, this formatting is not included here and these examples should be viewed as reporting only the inferential statistics (not the hypotheses) the results of the study in brief (no numbers, just words) a hint about the general direction the discussion section takes. References: Use APA style. See your APA manual, textbook and the sample paper for examples of how to cite and how to make a reference list
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