Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Short essay on national integration

Short essay on national integration

short essay on national integration

 · National integration is a feeling of oneness and togetherness by the citizens of a nation. It is very important for the citizens to live in harmony and for the progress of the nation. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had also stressed on national integration as he knew its importance in Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Short Essay on National Integration Article shared by It we wish to retain our hard won freedom, national integration has to be our natural tune. In this integration lie our strength, dignity and hope for future progress. Image Source: blogger.com Reading Time: 3 mins National integration is a sentiment in which the people of a country have the feeling of living together with goodwill for all, the desire of Co-operation and sympathy for each other, the willingness to forget difference of caste, language, religion and region etc. to work together for the welfare of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Essay on National integration – Importance of National Integration – blogger.com

National Integration is the feeling of oneness towards our own nation despite of their personal issues with regard to religion, caste, region, race or culture.

We are writing different essay on national integration to help your kid by preparing them for their school examination, school essay competition or for giving speech.

National integration is a way of synthesizing divisive people and culture into a unionized. It is a process of compatibility, common identity and national consciousness as well. National integration unifies all the diverse loyalties into one national unity. National integration is defined as a psychological and educational process of developing common feeling of unity, short essay on national integration, harmony and cohesion in the hearts of people, a feeling of oneness and loyalty toward the country.

National integration literally means bringing all the people of one nation together into a single whole. It is a particular sentiment that bring together all people in one common bond without giving importance to their religion, caste, language or history. There are various reasons that effect the integrity of the country. Like the communal riots, the atrocities committed on Harijans in many parts of the country, the linguistic chauvinism displayed by people, terrorist activities on particular communities and many more.

National integration is a strong cementing force where everyone stays together peacefully. We live in India. India is our own country, is a feeling that develops the very basis of national integration. India is a vast country with a vast population. If we all live together, this great human force with great resources of the country can take the whole world with us. What is National Integration?

National Integration is defined as a sense of emotional togetherness in a land of people belonging to different cultures. Today, not even a single country can claim a single communal identity. Different communities live in different states according to their caste and religion. All of them belong to the same country and live together peacefully.

National integration is really important for a vast country like India. India is a multi-lingual and multi-racial country. From time immemorial people from different communities, castes and religions are living here peacefully, short essay on national integration. In fact, unity in diversity is the strength of our civilization. Religious intolerance affect the unity, integrity and solidarity of the country.

It must be removed from the country at any cost and removal of poverty and castes are also the need of the hour. India is a multi-racial country and diversities are the feature of this country. But the culture of India makes us feel that we are the children of mother India.

Foreign invasions and conquests from time to time, could not break the spirit of unity of culture. Today, in many parts of our country, people are asking for division on the basis of religion, language and caste. In the root of these churning we can see that the poverty and illiteracy of the common people make them agitated and their agitations are colored as the freedom movement.

If the Indian economy develops sufficiently and if the general people can live their lives happily the churning will automatically stop. There is a need to preserve the national integrity of our country, short essay on national integration. The feeling of togetherness among all the citizen is important for the growth of our country.

Common man, politicians, religious leaders should be gathered in a common place to solve their problem. National integration describes as the togetherness and unity between individuals of same country with regard to citizenship. When people are nationally integrated, they may get a feeling of pride or patriotism. National integration is not about national spirit only.

It is actually a feeling that brings peoples together from all areas, dialects and beliefs in a common endeavour. When national integration occurs, people are likely to work together to build systems that enhance the prosperity of the country. Few things that are the hurdle in bringing national integration include religious or political divides and communication barriers between people who speak different dialects or languages.

National Integration is a process of developing a feeling of short essay on national integration and solidarity in the hearts of people. It is a sense of a common citizenship and a feeling of loyalty to the nation.

India is a nation of different religions and castes, Despite all these we stood solidly with great leaders like Late Mahatma Gandhi and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and fought for freedom of our country. But after 58 years of independence we are still discussing the way to promote national integration in the country. It is really shameful.

National integration is of great importance in India to enhance the individual level of development in the country and make it a strong country.

In order to make young generation aware of National Integration 19th of November is celebrated as National Integration Day every year on the birthday anniversary of first woman Indian prime minister Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi. India is a country where people from different regions, religions, traditionculture, race, cast, colour, short essay on national integration, and creed are living together.

If Every single person from different religions live together by uniting, there will be no social or developmental problems in India. There are different factors that short essay on national integration disturbing the integrity of the nation including the communal riots, the atrocities committed on Harijans, the linguistic chauvinism and terrorist activities unleashed on particular communities have affected the integrity of the nation.

All these incidents led to the need of a greater sense of national unity among the citizen. Even after so many years oh independence it has not been possible to get the feelings of oneness and the sense of unity. The battle against factional loyalty should be fought right from the beginning. To promote the national integrity in the country the younger generations should be taught its importance. As a youth, they should know their responsibility towards their nation and have to do all the activities required for the national integration.

Instead of being from different state, religions and caste we should remember that we all are one in respect to build up a strong and prosperous nation. We need to understand the real meaning of the unity in diversity in India.

A common bond that unites people regardless of caste, religion, short essay on national integration, or gender is the creed of national integrity. This is a sense of belonging and brotherhood in a country that short essay on national integration a high value on diversity.

National Integration holds the country together despite its diverse cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. A united nation will always make strides forward in the direction of development short essay on national integration prosperity.

In a country like India, the goal of national integration is not only to bring people together, but also to improve their overall quality of life. Casteism, regionalism, and linguistic differences are all battles that must be won. It aims to strengthen the national nation and to bring people together in times of need.

All sections of society become self-sufficient as a result of the preservation of national integrity. The state also aims to promote economic integration as a result of this initiative. No foreign attack will ever be able to break the back of a nation. National integration contributes to the strengthening of the social ties that exist between people in a country, thereby promoting brotherhood, peace, and tolerance. This brings people of different races, castes, religions, and ideologies together, strengthening the country and making it more powerful on the international stage.

The promotion of national integration benefits the entire country. It helps people to put aside their differences and work together for the advancement of the country. National Integration calls into question communalism, regionalism, linguism, and other forms of division. Global terrorism, on the other hand, poses a threat to national integration. Few radicals have the ability to brainwash a large number of people.

Instigation of hostility toward their motherland. In this day and age of technology and social media, it is very easy to be misled. National integration helps it easier to ignore them. People become wiser and more tolerant as a result of it. It had been confronted with significant internal and external threats. As a result, national integration is critical in the role of a nation. For overall development in India, national integration is essential, and it also helps to make India a more powerful country.

On the 19th of November every year, short essay on national integration, National Integration Day is commemorated as a national event in order to raise public awareness of the importance of the agenda. National Integration Week, also known as Quami Ekta Week, is observed by Indians from November 19th to November 25th. Ensures that people from a variety of cultures, religions, and communities remain united as a diverse entity through national integration.

To help students understand the significance short essay on national integration national integration, this article contains an essay on the subject, short essay on national integration. This essay on the Importance of National Integration contains numerous facts and benefits that should be shared with the younger generation in order to promote it.

Indians come from a diverse range of cultural and religious backgrounds, short essay on national integration. Although there are people from a variety of diverse backgrounds living in the country, the nation unites them all and ensures harmony and peace. In recent years, there has been a decline in national integration. After Independence, the Dr. Jawaharlal Nehru government took a short essay on national integration of steps to put into practise practical ideas and plans for greater national integration that had been developed.

The National Integration Council NIC was established by the Indian constitution in The Indian population is made up of people who live together but hold a variety of beliefs, opinions, and practises that are incompatible with one another. People from different segments may experience humiliation and a lack of integrity in such situations. National disintegration can result in national crises and partition, as was the case when India was divided into Pakistan and India in We must work together as a team to prevent a recurrence of this incident and to maintain national unity.

This disunity resulted in the decline of special powers such as the Mughal attack in India, which was prompted by tensions between Rajputs, and then the British invasion of India, which was prompted by rising conflicts between various sectors of Short essay on national integration society, which led to the British invasion.


, time: 2:45

Essay on National Integration for Students in English [ Words]

short essay on national integration

National integration is a sentiment in which the people of a country have the feeling of living together with goodwill for all, the desire of Co-operation and sympathy for each other, the willingness to forget difference of caste, language, religion and region etc. to work together for the welfare of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Short Essay on National Integration Article shared by It we wish to retain our hard won freedom, national integration has to be our natural tune. In this integration lie our strength, dignity and hope for future progress. Image Source: blogger.com Reading Time: 3 mins Essay on National Integration ( Words) National integration describes as the togetherness and unity between individuals of same country with regard to citizenship. When people are nationally integrated, they may get a feeling of pride or patriotism. National integration is not Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

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