· Short Essay on Peacock Words in English for Kids and Students in English. Below we have given a short essay on Peacock is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. A peacock has a long, shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its head. It has beautiful, multicoloured feathers. When a peacock dances, it spreads its wings out like Estimated Reading Time: 1 min · 1. Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. 2. It looks beautiful when dances merrily in rain. 3. Indian green Peacock have an elaborate crest on their head. 4. It’s mesmerizing beauty is in blue and green color and spectacular feathers. 5. Peacock is mostly found in Asian countries. 6. Peacocks prefer living in the forest. blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Peacock Essay 4 ( words) Introduction. Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. Mostly found in Asian countries, these are famous for their beauty worldwide. People specially visit these countries to catch a glimpse of this beautiful bird. It holds a special relevance to the Indians as it is the National Bird of India. Peacock HabitatEstimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Short Essay On Peacock In English Language • English Summary
Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. It is particularly known for its colourful feathers that are a sight to behold. It looks best when it dances merrily in the rain. Peacock is the national bird of India. It finds several references in the Indian mythology and history. It is known for its metallic blue and green colour and spectacular feather.
These various essays on Peacock of varying lengths will help short essay on peacock in english with the topic in your exam. You can select any Peacock essay as per your interest and need.
We have provided below short and long essay on peacock in English language for children and students. You will also know about distinct physical features and behaviour of peacock, short essay on peacock in english. You will also get a glimpse of the beauty of the bird because of which it is the national bird of India. You can use these peacock essay in various school and college competitions wherein you need to write essay on peacock, or give a speech on national bird or be a part of debate on national bird of India etc.
Peacock is known for its mesmerizing beauty. This beautiful bird comes in different colours. There are mainly three species of peacock. These are the Indian peacock found in India and Sri Lankathe Green Peacock found in Indonesia and the Congo Peacock found in Africa.
While the Indian and Green peacock have an elaborate crest on their head and long colourful plumage, Congo peacock on the other hand, has a less attractive crest and short tail.
Both Indian and Green peacock look extremely beautiful whereas the Congo peacock appears rather dull. The colour of the body and crest is what mainly distinguishes the Indian peacock from the Green peacock. The Indian peacock has a blue coloured body whereas the Green peacock has a green coloured body. The Indian peacock has been given the stature of the National Bird of India.
This joyful and beautiful bird has been a significant part of the Indian history as well as mythology. The colourful and bright feathers that add to the beauty of peacock also serve as an item to beautify various things and places. A number of home décor items are crafted around these feathers. These feathers are also considered auspicious and are used to bring in good luck and prosperity.
Peacock has inspired many notable artists in the past and continues to do so. Peacock is a bird of national importance for the Indians. It has held a very special place in the Indian history. Many prominent kings and leaders in the past have shown their fondness for this beautiful creature. Peacock is known worldwide for its mesmerizing beauty. India boasts of a number of beautiful birds with different features and habits.
Some of these birds such as cuckoo and bulbul are amazing when it comes to singing. Other birds have other unique qualities for short essay on peacock in english parrot can mimic, white pigeon is just so beautiful and pure and Asian Paradise Flycatcher is known for its beautiful long tail. Choosing a national bird among such beauties was quite hard. However, peacock seemed to be a clear winner here.
Peacock outsmarts all the birds when it comes to looks. No other bird possesses such big, colourful and bright feather. Not just its looks, peacock is also loved for its positive and joyful nature.
This can very well be seen by the joy with which the bird dances and makes merry during the monsoon season. Other reasons cited for choosing peacock as the national bird of India include its association with the Indian mythology and religion and the fact that it was found in almost every part of the country. In India, peacocks are found in almost every part. However, these are found in greater numbers in Jammu and Kashmir, South Mizoram, East Assam and Indian peninsula.
Peacock was declared national bird of India in the year The bird is protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, Peacock is one of the most beautiful creations of God, short essay on peacock in english. It seems like the almighty specially took out time to craft this rare beauty. It has rightly been chosen as the national bird of our country.
Peacock boasts of immense beauty. It is loved for its blue and green coloured body, its turquoise, green, blue and brown coloured feathers and its beautiful crest, short essay on peacock in english. Catching a glimpse of peacock dancing during the monsoon season can make your day. Peacock has been a source of inspiration for painters, poets and other artists since times immemorial. Peacock finds many references in the Indian history. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan especially got his throne crafted in the form of peacock.
The peacock throne was embedded with numerous jewels that added to its beauty. The Mughal Empire lost this magnificent throne to the Persian emperor Nadir Shah in Hunting was a popular activity during the earlier times and the kings indulged in the same quite often. However, King Asoka particularly ensured that people did not hunt down peacock.
During his reign, he made killing of peacock an offence. Interestingly, short essay on peacock in english, Aurangzeb, who was otherwise known for his cunning nature also ensured safety of peacocks. He put a ban on shooting this beautiful bird. Short essay on peacock in english the Gupta period peacock was recognized as royal bird.
Besides, numerous paintings, engravings and pieces of literature in India have been inspired by peacocks. Many invaders were also fascinated by the beauty of peacock. Peacock has been associated with various Indian Gods and Goddesses. It is believed that peacock came into being from the feathers of Garuda. Garuda is a mythical bird that serves as a mount for Lord Vishnu. Peacock is the conveyance of God Kartikeya.
Kumari, who is a form of Shakti, short essay on peacock in english, also rides peacock. This beautiful bird also serves as conveyance for Vikata, an incarnation of Lord Ganesha. Lord Krishna is seen adorning the short essay on peacock in english peacock feather on his head. Peacock has also been associated with Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Saraswati. Goddess Laxmi is known as the Goddess of luck, beauty and prosperity and Goddess Saraswati is known as the Goddess of wisdom, kindness and patience.
It is said that Lord Indra took refuge under peacock wing when it was unable to defeat Ravana. He then blessed the bird with courage to take on the snakes. It is also said that as a result of a curse, Lord Indra was transformed into a peacock with thousand eyes. Peacock feathers are considered sacred in the Hindu religion. People hang peacock feathers at home to bring in good luck and prosperity. Thus, peacock is not only associated with beauty and vibrancy but also holds an important place in the Indian history and mythology thereby making it all the more special, short essay on peacock in english.
Mostly found in Asian countries, these are famous for their beauty worldwide. People specially visit these countries to catch a glimpse of this beautiful bird. It holds a special relevance to the Indians as it is the National Bird of India. Peacocks prefer living in the forests or places inhabited by a good number of trees such as the outskirts of cities. These are also found in farmland.
They look for a place with water body nearby. They do not build nests. Nests are built by peahen for the purpose of laying eggs. Peacocks usually rest on the ground. Many of them also sleep on the trees, short essay on peacock in english on the low-hanging branches. Though they love pleasant weather and are particularly fond of the rainy season, peacocks have an amazing ability to adapt in different kinds of climatic conditions.
They can survive in extreme climate. These are thus found in hot desert region as well as in cold and snowy areas. Average age of a peacock is around years. Peacock is known for its attractive physical features. Here are the physical features of peacock that distinguish it from other birds:. Peacocks are said to be quite shy in nature. They shy away from the humans and are scared of animals. It is common to see peacocks run away and hide in bushes at the sight of people.
They love to roam around in groups. It makes them feel safe and secure.
Write an essay on A Peacock in English -- Short paragraph on A Peacock in English -- #blogger.com
, time: 6:06Essay On Peacock for Students and Children In English - The Study Cafe

· Short Essay on Peacock Words in English for Kids and Students in English. Below we have given a short essay on Peacock is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. A peacock has a long, shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its head. It has beautiful, multicoloured feathers. When a peacock dances, it spreads its wings out like Estimated Reading Time: 1 min · 1. Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. 2. It looks beautiful when dances merrily in rain. 3. Indian green Peacock have an elaborate crest on their head. 4. It’s mesmerizing beauty is in blue and green color and spectacular feathers. 5. Peacock is mostly found in Asian countries. 6. Peacocks prefer living in the forest. blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins + Words Essay on Peacock. Peacock is a bird that carries huge national importance in India. Most noteworthy, the bird is famous for its beautiful vibrant colours. The Peacock is popular for its spectacular beauty. It certainly has a hypnotic appearance. Watching it dance during the Monsoon season is a great pleasure blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
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